The Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) is a legume of Mexican origin widespread in Europe after the discovery of America. In Umbria there are the “verdino di Cave” and “giallo di Cave” varieties, cultivated in the irrigated soils of the fraction of Cave (Foligno). In this typical area of production farmers cultivate the bean according to absolutely natural methods. During the Bean Festival in the taverns it is possible to taste the “Fagioli di Cave” in numerous and delicious recipes. Numerous and exquisite dishes with beans appear in the seventeenth-century menus of Foligno and are now revived on the occasion of the “Giostra della Quintana”.
Product description
“Sgrano” Bean of medium / small size (length mm 12/18, weight 0,5 gr ca) of elongated ovoid shape. In the “green” type the color varies from light green (freshly harvested) to light (dry) haze. In the “yellow” type the color varies between yellow / brown and light ocher. Besides the pleasant taste, peculiar characteristics are the high digestibility and the ease of cooking due to the thinness of the peel. This quality is due to the fertile and poor limestone soil.
Territory interested in production
Irrigated land of the fraction of Cave (Foligno), along the right bank of the river Topino. The total of the potentially affected area is about 100 ha.