As opposed to the Pumpkinseed fish or as it is known locally, the Persicaccio, the European Perch is one of the area’s most highly prized fish. The filet of this fish is most commonly used in kebabs, fried, in pasta and rice dishes and it can also be enjoyed boiled. In certain Umbria towns it is traditionally grilled over an open fire, almost burned, so much so that the dish is known as “carbonetto” or coal.
With an oval shaped body, compressed on the side, an arched back, the upper edge of the gill cover has a pointed end and this fish has a robust spine. Small and serrated scales with dark vertical stripes on the sides. Dimension of 18-20 cm, maximum length of 45 cm. Its meat is highly prized, tasty, delicate, firm and lean.
Native area
Lake Trasimeno.