Tench meat is wonderful, even if it has a lot of bones. Best enjoyed in filets, it can be cooked in a wide variety of ways: roasted, stewed with peas, stuffed and oven baked or fried. Shops also carry smoked tench. The eggs of this fish can also be enjoyed when sautéed with a mix of onions and herbs.
A large and stocky body, a small mouth with two short barbels. Very small scales covered with mucus. The back is a dark, brownish-green, its sides are brownish-green with golden highlights. Its belly is yellowish. Its uneven fins are black or purplish. The average length is approximately 25 cm, with a maximum length of approximately 40 cm. The average weight is 200 to 400 g (maximum 2 Kg). Its meat has a fine flavour, with an average amount of fat, is tender and tasty.
Native area
Lake Trasimeno.